Xxx calum mcswiggan gay xxx video

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So the 25-year-old, whose influence on young LGBT people is such that he is courted by numerous organisations wanting to reach this demographic, now wants to reveal the truth about his past for the first time.Īged 19, McSwiggan performed in a series of live webcam shows having unprotected sex with two other men. Threats have been made to expose him – it is, after all, a revelation at marked odds with his wholesome image.

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It is understandable then that today McSwiggan is feeling more than a little bit embarrassed as he tells BuzzFeed News about a secret he’s been hiding for six years: He used to do bareback porn.įor months, rumours to this effect have been swirling online.

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“You should always, always use a condom,” says LGBT YouTube star and sexual health campaigner Calum McSwiggan in a recent video for an HIV charity.

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